NoSQL is a non-relational DMS, that does not require a fixed schema, avoids joins, and is easy to scale. NoSQL database is used for distributed data stores with humongous data storage needs. NoSQL is used for Big data and real-time web apps. 

For example companies like Twitter, Facebook, Google that collect terabytes of user data every single day.

NoSQL database stands for "Not Only SQL" or "Not SQL." Though a better term would NoREL NoSQL caught on. Carl Strozz introduced the NoSQL concept in 1998.

Traditional RDBMS uses SQL syntax to store and retrieve data for further insights. Instead, a NoSQL database system encompasses a wide range of database technologies that can store structured, semi-structured, unstructured and polymorphic data.

Next, we will discuss the key diff between SQL and NoSQL.


Structured Query language (SQLpronounced as "S-Q-L" or sometimes as "See-Quel" is the standard language for dealing with Relational Databases. 

A relational database defines relationships in the form of tables.

SQL programming can be effectively used to insert, search, update, delete database records.

That doesn't mean SQL cannot do things beyond that. It can do a lot of things including, but not limited to, optimizing and maintenance of databases.

Relational databases like MySQL Database, Oracle, Ms SQL Server, Sybase, etc. 

use SQL.


  • SQL pronounced as "S-Q-L" or as "See-Quel" is primarily called RDBMS or Relational Databases whereas NoSQL is a Non-relational or Distributed Database.
  • Comparing SQL vs NoSQL database, SQL databases are table based databases whereas NoSQL databases can be document based, key-value pairs, graph databases.
  • SQL databases are vertically scalable while NoSQL databases are horizontally scalable.
  • SQL databases have a predefined schema whereas NoSQL databases use dynamic schema for unstructured data.
  • Comparing NoSQL vs SQL performance, SQL requires specialized DB hardware for better performance while NoSQL uses commodity hardware.

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